annual review
VOLUME 9 | 2023
In this issue
Welcome to the Annual Review
Welcome to the Homerton Annual Review for 2023. The review is being published online only this year, with an exciting new design. We hope you will enjoy reading about all the College activities from the past Academic Year. We are always keen to receive your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. Your stories are of great interest to us too, so please keep in touch with your news by contacting Remember that you are always welcome to visit the College, simply contact We look forward to welcoming you back.
Overcoming Class Barriers in Cambridge
In June 2023 Dr David Clifford, Homerton College Associate Professor in English, ran a two-day symposium on the topic of, ‘Overcoming Class Barriers in Cambridge’.
College news
Reverend Al Sharpton Visit
In February 2023 Homerton hosted an energetic and penetrating talk by the Reverend Al Sharpton, the US civil rights leader – with great advice for students derived from a vocation of advocacy and campaigning.
Charter Choir of Homerton College
It has been an exciting year: A joint service with Girton Choir, an Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral, a performance at the annual Charter Dinner and a tour to Iceland!